IRS News

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

Renewed work opportunity tax credit can help employers hire workers

Tax Return Preparers

Taxpayer advocate targets tax return preparers

Disaster Relief

How does taxpayer relief happen after a major disaster?

Prepare for a Disaster

Ensure your clients have a financial safety net if a disaster strikes

IRS Red Flags

Common IRS red flags

IRS and tax professionals

IRS readies nearly 4 million refunds for unemployment compensation overpayments

US Capitol

Texas and other states get deadline extensions and other tax relief after storms

Client Information

What you can — and can’t — do with your client information


Guidance issued on tax relief on deductions for food or beverages from restaurants

Washington, D.C.

IRS update on 2020 Premium Tax Credit

Employee Retention Credit

IRS provides guidance for employers claiming the Employee Retention Credit for first two quarters of 2021


IRS to recalculate taxes on unemployment benefits; refunds to start May 2021