Workflow tools

Paula Field

How Paula Field, CPA, keeps a finger on the pulse of what matters most

PPP Process

Tracking the use of your client’s Paycheck Protection Program loan funds in QuickBooks Online

move to the cloud

Hosting solutions provide always-on reliability and security for Rhode Island firm

Working remotely

How to collect documents from clients while working remotely

technology can aid growth

Improve your tax firm’s efficiency with these practice management programs and apps

Cloud computing

A Walk in the Cloud Could Clear Away the Tax Reform Blues

technology for tax professionals

Professional Tax Software: Top 10 Factors for Tax Preparer Software

Signature numérique

eSignature Reimagined for ProConnect™ Tax Online, Lacerte® and ProSeries®

tax accounting in the cloud

Creating your cloud workflow: Why it’s more secure and productive

millennials in a tax and accounting firm

Use tax season to shift from tax prep to tax planning


TaxProTalk: A firm transitions tax software to grow, move to the cloud

Start Your Own Tax Practice

Top Apps That Will Maximize Your Time This Season