Client Data Collection in Five Easy Steps

Cloud computing

What is the difference between cloud and hosted tax software?

Tax clients

Year-End Tax Tips for Your Clients Who Are Retired

5 Productivity Tools for Accountants and Tax Professionals

tax matters for self-employed people

5 Financial Moves Self-Employed Workers Can Make Now to Increase Their Tax Deductions

Start Your Own Tax Practice

Q&A with Mariette Martinez, EA: How to Start Your Own Tax Practice

Security for tax professionals

IRS National Tax Security Week Concludes With Strong Message: Protect Taxpayer Data

tax practice client review

Reporting Apps to Enhance Your Tax and Accounting Practice

U.S. Income Tax Return forms

IRS Guidelines on Retention of Tax Records

efficiency in a tax firm

Improve your life, your team’s lives, and your customer’s lives: Kill the timesheet

identity theft and fraud

IRS, Security Summit Partners Announce “National Tax Security Awareness Week” Beginning Dec. 5, 2016

Tax Tips for Manufacturing Clients