
Using Your Tax Blog for Recruitment and Retention

Workflow of the future

How Businesses like BRiN and Panalitix May Change the Way Accounting is Done

technology for tax professionals

How Did Your Tax Season Go? Bryce Forney Talks Technology

finish strong for tax season

Tax Season is Over; it’s Time for Celebration and Lesson Learning


Due Diligence Requirements Associated with Form 1099-MISC and Form W-9


How Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technology May Change the Tax Profession

Kathy Hettick, EA, ABA, ATP, principal of Hettick Accounting & Tax, LLC

Kathy Hettick, EA, ABA, ATP, Appointed to IRS Advisory Council

tax audit

The Odds of Being Audited by the IRS

efficiency in a tax firm

Infographic: How Can You Save Time as a Tax Pro?

Innovative idea

How Four Innovative Tax Pros Stay on the Cutting Edge

Accountant working remotely

Happy National Small Business Week

May 2017 Tax and Compliance Deadlines