Sonia Dumas
Sonia Dumas

Sonia Dumas

Sonia Dumas is the chief editor at She helps small businesses and CPAs get educated about the risks and opportunities powered by cryptocurrencies and the Web 3 economy. Find Sonia on LinkedIn at

Best Practices Crypto Vertical

Best practices in cryptocurrencies

IRS Crypto Vertical

IRS cryptocurrency reporting requirements

Crypto Tax Vertical

The taxing side of cryptocurrency

Crypto Vertical

Basics of blockchain technology and use cases

Crypto and Taxes

Crypto accounting: The top challenges tax professionals face

Crypto Tax Strategies

Ayuda a tus clientes a conservar más dinero: cinco estrategias tributarias para criptomonedas

Crypto Yields

In stability we trust: Cryptocurrencies provide inflation-beatable yields


Bitcoin is to the iPhone, as Bitcoin ETFs are to the Blackberry

Crypto Tax Strategies

Help your clients keep more money: 5 crypto tax strategies

Crypto Growth

3 ways you can help your clients navigate crypto