Liz Farr, CPA
Liz Farr, CPA

Liz Farr, CPA

Liz has been a CPA since 2005 and spent 15 years working as an accountant with a focus on tax work. She also worked on audits, business valuations, and litigation support. Since 2018, she’s been a full-time freelance writer, and has written articles on technical accounting topics, blog posts, case studies, white papers, web content, and full-length books for accountants and bookkeepers around the world. Her current specialty is ghostwriting for thought leaders in accounting.

tax law and houses

How Your Clients Can Qualify as Real Estate Professionals and Deduct Rental Losses

S Corporation tax status

Electing S Corp Status May Not Save on Self-Employment Taxes for Brokers


How Your Clients Can Use Technology to Track Business Miles