Liz Farr, CPA
Liz Farr, CPA

Liz Farr, CPA

Liz has been a CPA since 2005 and spent 15 years working as an accountant with a focus on tax work. She also worked on audits, business valuations, and litigation support. Since 2018, she’s been a full-time freelance writer, and has written articles on technical accounting topics, blog posts, case studies, white papers, web content, and full-length books for accountants and bookkeepers around the world. Her current specialty is ghostwriting for thought leaders in accounting.

Hispanic Accountant Vertical

De qué manera los clientes que son sociedades anónimas de tipo S pueden usar un plan de deducción de reembolsos con rendición de cuentas para deducir gastos por el uso comercial del hogar

Home Office Vertical

How S Corporation clients can use an accountable plan to deduct home office expenses

Brainstorm to innovate

Is the 70-20-10 Framework the Best Way to Train Leaders?

Accounting in the future

Being Future-Ready Will Require a Mindset Shift. Are You Ready?

Gambling Tax Rules

Professional or Casual Gambler? How to Help Your Clients Play Their Cards Right

talk about money

Avoid Future Taxes by Filing Form 8606 for Nondeductible IRA Contributions

networking for tax professionals

How Paying Attention to Ethics Can Help Tax Professionals Be Trusted Advisors

travel related expenses

What is a Tax Home, and How Does it Impact Travel Expenses?

Calculate tax

Changes Ahead for Lessors With the New Lease Standards

tax professional with clients

SSARS 21 Section 70 Provides Much-Needed Framework for Additional Services

Accountant working remotely

Employee or Independent Contractor: How to Get it Right


Why SEP Plans Are a Great Option for Self-Employed Clients