Bob Metty, Ed.D., JD, LLM - Tax
Bob Metty, Ed.D., JD, LLM - Tax

Bob Metty, Ed.D., JD, LLM - Tax

Along with Kristi, his wife of more than 30 years, Bob is co-owner of Exceptional Assistance, LLC, a tax, accounting, and mediation services firm. Bob holds a doctorate in Special Population Services, in addition to his JD and LLM in Tax. They have five children, including an adult with autism. Bob’s passion is serving adults and children with disabilities. He is a member of the California Bar and a governor’s appointee to the Alabama Developmental Disabilities Council, where he serves as the vice chair of the Public Policy Committee. A retired special education professional, Bob has taught and coached at the high school and college level, and is author of "What’s the Big IDEA?: A Guide to Understanding Special Education."

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit: A win-win for business owners and disabled workers